Take me away
To another day
When things were different
When I didn’t have to pay rent
But then again . . .
I didn’t really like childhood
Or being a teenager
. . . So
Take me away
To another day
When things were fun
. . . when was that again?
Was it really back then?
With who?
When did it happen?
Do you remember it all?
Do you remember who you were before your fall?
You do? Oh . . .
I don’t remember it anymore
A better time
A past I could get back
A better day than today
To fall means you had to ascend
When did we ascend?
And when did we fall?
Take me back to a time
When I had energy
When I had momentum
When I was motivated
But . . . man
That kid was miserable
His ego pushed him so hard
He suffered
Self-inflicted wounds
. . . Maybe take me to another day
Give me something new
Yeah . . . take my to the future
I think that’ll be better than the present
Will it be the same?
It will probably be the same, huh?
I’ll still be me
Just further along
Take me away
To a whole new world
A different planet
A different universe
Give me a new birth
Well . . .
I guess I am still me wherever and whenever I go . . .
The future
The past
The old
The new
It’s the same Me
The same you
Just a slightly different view.
CH 2/15/25