Between the stars
And in-between heartbeats
In the eyes
And in the soil of this earth
In our memories
And in the future
In the moments that pass in an instant
And the suffering that feels like eternity
In the elaborate design of a snowflake
And in the dew on a red rose petal
In the cotton candy blizzard from dairy queen
And in the piss that was being held in for hours
After 7 or 8 beers
Finally being freed from your bladder
In the sunset that unexpectedly slaps you in the face
And the storm you get caught in
In your dog running full speed back at you
With a smile on his face
In the tension with a beautiful friend
And in the fist bump from your teammate
After hitting that dagger three-pointer
In feeling her skin on your skin
In the helping hand of a stranger
In the sunshine
And in the flowing river
You know it
You feel it
It’s something about being alive
As yourself
Mixed with these things
It’s in the individual blended with the collective
And with nature
A part of the art
And a creator of it
It’s nature
And you
And everyone else
It’s the time and place you are thrown into
It’s every breath
And your babies first steps
Take a breath
And feel it again
Like you did
When you were a kid
Breath in life
And exhale the moment
And breathe it in again
And feel it
Repeat it
And appreciate it
Rejoice in those moments
That you only get
Because you are here right now
A human being
A beautiful soul
And so much more.