It’s Her birthday today
My coworker asked what day it was today
I said, “It’s December 14th. It’s Her birthday.”
“Wow,” she said. “I haven’t heard you say that name in awhile.”
“Well, that’s because I don’t give a shit about Her anymore.”
“Isn’t that crazy?? You were so into her for so long.”
“I know.”
“You just had to really get to know Her to know that She wasn’t the one.”
“Yep. And let me tell you, it feels so good not to give a shit anymore. It's the best feeling in the world.”
“Oh, I bet . . .
“Have you talked to her at all?”
“Not since May.”
“Wow. That's crazy.”
“I know.”
But now, I am writing another shitty poem about her . . .
Fuck that.
I have to cut this one short.
This is not where I want to direct my thinking today.
She went from my muse
To mildly amusing
To just another lady
To no one at all
And it feels so good,
I think.
CH 12/15/23