My hair is the longest it has ever been
And it is
I don’t understand how people do it
It gets in my eyes
And never wants to look cool
It falls straight down
I hate it
I have been refusing to cut it
For a long time now
And I had a vision
For what it could look like
If I was patient enough
“Hair holds energy.”
I heard that said once
I don’t know if it’s true
It does seem to hold something
It does
Represent something
Something like
Time passing
There’s a bible story
About a man
Who had incredible strength
Because he had long hair
And when it was cut
By Delilah
The woman he loved
In his sleep
He lost his strength
And was captured
They took his eyes
And enslaved him
But the story goes on
To say
That God gave Sampson his strength back
So he
Could get
His revenge
They say he destroyed the temple he was in
Killing him
And his captures
As much as I want to cut my hair
I think I’ll wait until I have super strength
I’ll try not to fall in love again.
Easy squeezy.