It really is in other people
That we are both tortured
And loved
They curse us
And redeem us
And they
Are we
And me
It is in these little human relationships
Where beauty is found
But also
In one moment someone has you infuriated
For no reason at all
But two hours later
And you’re laughing with someone else
We create deep wounds in each other
And then we heal each other
The will to power (Nietzsche)
The denial of death (Becker)
Love being the through-line (Jesus)
Sex being the motivator behind everything (Freud)
Awakening our true selves (Yung)
The ideas that we think drive us
Are faceless
In the eyes of the other
When your loved one is dying
In the mundane grind of the working person
It’s all too big
Too broad
To hit
The individual
In his soul
Where he/she needs it
The magic lives in our relationships
But so does
The chaos
We must tame our dragons
In order to
Nurture each other
And grow together
It is the only way
We can survive
This sinking ship
Redeemed and cursed
By our relationships