I see now
The inner child still runs wild
My imagination let’s him play
And with the right song playing
It’s like he is back
Back like he used to be
When he was nothing but joy
I see him again
He’s still living
He's only been buried within
Somewhere down deep
But now he can breathe
I think he can leap
I really think that
I’m pretty sure he can fl—. . .
Can he?
It might be possible . . .
I think he might be able to— . . .
That would define all logic, though . . .
It really would
I feel like
Maybe he can do it
Maybe he can
He does like to pretend he is Superman
Maybe he can fly?
Is that crazy to think?
Is it crazy to imagine a man in the sky?
Maybe . . .
But this kid
He really feels it
He really believes it
I don’t think he’d hesitate to try
He’s brave
He shines
My inner child was a light
He knew nothing of the darkness . . .
He never met with the abyss . . .
He has a pure light
One that shines bright
His eyes . . .
They aren’t like mine
They’re excited
And they’re kind
Nothing like mine . . .
These eyes are his eyes
His are mine
His light is my light
CH 12/27/24